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Editing that works:
nine techniques for improving content

You can work with these techniques in two ways: 

  1. Follow them from 1 to 9 as a process, or
  2. Pick out a few of them that appeal to you, and use them as you wish.

You'll probably get the best results from the 'process' method, but the 'pick out' method is a great way to become familiar with them.

  1. Decide on who and why
  2. Get to know the content
  3. Put the best bit first
  4. Slash everything else
  5. Edit sentences
  6. Put "if" before "then"
  7. Demolish walls of words
  8. Launch and land on the same name
  9. Rest it then test it



This website has been inspired by the work of Ginny Redish.

The second edition of her book on writing for the web came out in 2012.

Tips and cautions

If there's something that you should be especially careful about then there will be a caution over here in the right column.

Where from? Where next?

The principles come from web and other resources, and from experience.

You will see references to the supporting research over here.

You'll also see ideas for what else to read.